Party Package


Party Package
Hello bro and sis, for those of you who want to celebrate a class event, class farewell, class reunion or batch, or want to make a party, just celebrate at Bunut Bali Villa Ungasan Bali. Besides the spacious place, this villa is equipped with 4 rooms, 5 bathrooms and 2 private pools, so it will definitely make your event more interesting. The Lawn Bunut is quite spacious and can accommodate up to 25 people. only IDR 2,500,000. For terms and conditions and availability you can contact our marketing at 082236824226

Maximum person = 20 person = Rp. 1,200,000
Maximum person = 30 person = Rp. 1,500,000

Paket Pesta

Halo bro dan sis, buat kalian yang ingin merayakan acara kelas, perpisahan kelas, reuni kelas atau angkatan, atau sekalian mau buat party, just celebrate at Bunut Bali Villa Ungasan Bali. selain tempatnya luas, villa ini dilengkapi dengan 4 kamar, 5 kamar mandi dan 2 private pool, jadi pasti akan buat acara kalian lebih menarik. Lawn bunut cukup luas dan bisa menampung hingga 30 orang.

Maximum person = 20 person = Rp. 1,200,000
Maximum person = 30 person = Rp. 1,500,000


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